Wednesday, October 29, 2014


It's time for something new. This is a sacred space, a quiet space, an unknown space. In my little seedling of a space here, I'm hoping to have a not-so-public-ish place to think and reflect on the newness of what I'm experiencing.

New for me.

For the past few months I've been on a journey that seems to have stalled. In the spring I called my husband from the grocery store paralyzed by an unforeseen mix of circumstances: I was listening to Science Friday and staring at the meat department shelvesSora Flatto was talking with someone about antibiotic overuse. It hadn't ever occurred to me that meat was a huge source of antibiotics in our lives. The case was so compelling that I just stood, staring, remembering what Neil had said to me before I left: "Be sure to get lots of meat! I was a giant meat meal today!" I texted him and said what I was hearing and how I couldn't bring myself to even pick up any of the meat I was looking at. He texted back, "Well, we've got to eat!"

True enough.

A month later, Neil shared the new insurance company policy of getting a higher rates for those who are unhealthier to start with, including being overweight. As I am overweight, I decided to that there is no time better than now to get that into control.

The next week was the week I took my kids to the library for their summer reading prize: a new book. The adult bookshelf (because of course I joined the reading program with them!) included "Eat to Live", a book I'd read a while back about weight loss through nutrient-dense vegan foods. Everything just kind of clicked.

Fast forward to today, the end of October, and I've lost 21 pounds. But that's not enough. My goal is another 40 pounds down.

So here I am writing it all down.

Will the world see this? I don't know. I've always been ashamed of how I look. Food is a super touchy issue for me. I avoid talking about it with anyone. But I think I really need some accountability to get the kick start I need.

This blog is my accountability to myself. Here's hoping that I can push through to the end here.

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